What locations do you serve?
ESCADV primarily serves individuals and families from Accomack and Northampton Counties. ESCADV also serves clients from other locations, often in coordination with other domestic violence and sexual assault programs.
What is ESCADV
How do I join ESCADV's Board of Directors?
If you are interested in joining ESCADV's Board of Director's contact the Executive Director or any member of the current board. ESCADV's Board is an active with all members attending monthly board meetings as well as being active in committees, fundraising and events.
How is ESCADV funded?
ESCADV receives funds from a variety of sources including the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services, Virginia Department of Social Services, Virginia Division of Housing and Community Development, United Way, Accomack County, Northampton County, and donations from businesses and individuals. While state and federal funds are often restricted and can only be spent on very specific costs, local donations allow ESCADV to provide additional services and resources to survivors of sexual and domestic violence.